CM-Cabinets Library User Guide
In This Topic
    Pricing Drawer Runners
    In This Topic

    Drawer Runners can be costed by updating the Runner Tables accessed on the PricingMaterials/Hardware page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties or the Pricing > Settings page.

    In this topic we will cover:-

    Tutorial 1 - How to apply a cost price to runners dependant on depth using the runner tables.

    Tutorial 2 - How to apply a markup to the cost price using the runner tables.

    Tutorial 3 - How to apply a cost price to each runner group without the use of tables i.e. table cost price is zero.

    Normally updating a table directly is not encouraged but this is an exception.

    Runner Tables

    Runners are grouped into one of three Runner Groups ...

    Runners are priced on the PricingMaterials/Hardware page by:-

    1. selecting the applicable runner from the drop list;
      • and then
    2. clicking on the Edit Table button to open the applicable table.
    Runners can be costed by selecting required runner and clicking corresponding Edit Table button

    Runners can be costed by selecting required runner and clicking corresponding Edit Table button

    Pricing Category and Markups

    For all tutorials you need to ensure you have the Hardware category is ticked and any other required Categories.

    • For this tutorial, only Hardware is enabled.

    To designate the Sell price you need to set the Level Markup percentages.      

    Pricing > Pricing/Markups page  -  Click to Expand

    Pricing > Pricing/Markups page  -  Click to Expand



     Tutorial 1 Cost using Tables

    In this example we will cost the runners on a Floor 1 Drawer, which uses a 'Blum Antaro D No Element 30kg Inserta' in the Premium Runners group with a depth of 500mm.

    Floor 1 Drawer showing Runner used for this tutorial 

    The Cabinet Details > Drawers page provides the relevant information concerning the drawer runner Group/Type and the Depth.

    • In step 2 you will notice that the depth's in the drop list relate to the rows in the table.


    Step 1 Locate and Open Table

    On the PricingMaterials/Hardware page:-

    • select the applicable runner from the drop list
      • in this example, Blum Antaro D No Element 30kg Inserta in the Premium Runners group

    • clicking on the Edit Table button to open the applicable table.


    Step 2 Update Table

    Note that there is a Cost column, where you can enter the desired values.

    • Enter the Cost manually into each edit field of the column
      • In this example, enter a different Cost as per the image below i.e:-
        • row -550mm is $9
        • row -500mm is $8 etc

    Note row Length corresponds to drop list on Cabinet Details > Drawers page

    • Close table and you may get the following message. Click Yes to Save changes.



    Step 3 Test

    To test the effect of this process, run a Quantities report.

    The following report shows that the Cost from the runner table corresponds to the row 500mm i.e. $8. (Remember this is the depth of the runner).          


    The above report shows only pricing details pertaining to this tutorial.

    Rounding during the calculation process can cause amounts to increase by a few cents.

    To calculate Sell price set Markup Percentages per category on the Pricing > Pricing/Markups page.


     Tutorial 2 Add Markup to Cost

    In this example we will use the same Floor 1 Drawer that we applied a cost to in Tutorial 1 and apply a markup.

    Step 1 Locate and Open Table

    On the PricingMaterials/Hardware page:-

    • select the applicable runner from the drop list
      • in this example, Blum Antaro D No Element 30kg Inserta in the Premium Runners group

    • clicking on the Edit Table button to open the applicable table.


    Step 2 Update Table

    Note that there is a Markup column and this markup value is stored as a fraction i.e. 0.5 = 50% and 1.0 = 100%

    • Enter the Markup manually into each edit field of the column
      • In this example, 0.1 which is equivalent to 10%


    •  Close table and click Yes to Save changes, if required.


    Step 3 Test

    To test the effect of this process, run a Quantities report.    

    The following report shows that the Cost from the runner table corresponds to the row 500mm i.e. $8. (Remember this is the depth of the runner)

    The Markup added to the above Cost is 10% (i.e. table value 0.1) i.e. $8 + $0.80 = $8.80                  

    The above report shows only pricing details pertaining to this tutorial.

    Rounding during the calculation process can cause amounts to increase by a few cents.

    To calculate Sell price set Markup Percentages per category on the Pricing > Pricing/Markups page.


    Tutorial 3 Zero Pricing

    If no cost pricing has been set for drawer runners, i.e. table price is $0, then you can enable and set a cost price for each Runner Group on the Pricing > Settings page of the Catalog/Drawing Properties.

    In this example we are pricing a Blum Antaro D No Element 30kg Screw in the Premium Runner group

    • The table for this drawer runner has a cost value of $0 i.e. has not been updated.
    • If you want to test this for yourself then change the drawer runner on the Cabinet Details > Drawers page used in Tutorial 1.

    See tutorial Pricing Zero for more details.

    Step 1 Enable Zero Pricing

    On the Pricing > Settings page for each Runner Group, as shown below:-

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand

    Pricing > Settings page  -  Click to Expand


    Step 2 Test

    To test the effect of this process, run a Quantities report.

    The following report shows that the Cost of the Premium runner used is $80.  


    The above report shows only pricing details pertaining to this tutorial.

    Rounding during the calculation process can cause amounts to increase by a few cents.

    To calculate Sell price set Markup Percentages per category on the Pricing > Pricing/Markups page.


    See Also